

Originally uploaded by sauvageblue
Here are a few jars of my finished jams I made. I made Fig Jam, a lovely Pear and Vanilla Bean Jam and Blueberry Jam. I really enjoy making jam, preparing the fruits and combining flavors and tasting it as it simmers and I feel proud when my family barrels through it. Honestly the part I dread the most has to be the most important part the sanitizing of the jars and the processing of jam. But of course knowing it has a shelf life and one morning months later and we are having waffles or french toast and I can pop one of the little guys open and have for example that yummy Pear and Vanilla Bean or Blueberry Jam warmed up and drizzled on a fresh warm waffle all I can say is yum.......


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Cindy!

I am so impressed with your jam-making. My grandmother used to make fig preserves and crabapple jelly, and I well remember the sterilization process. It seemed endless, but oh, when the jelly and preserves were ready, it was worth it. I think this is wonderful that you love to make jams, and you have made such a variety. You just can't beat homemade.


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

These all sound delicious! My least favorite part is watching the jars dwindle down as we eat them. I'm always afraid we'll run out and then I start rationing. I should stop worrying; we haven't run out yet despite the sheer volume of jams my two kids eat.

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